Thorsborne Trail Hike and Explore

Written by Jim Fitzgerald
Photography by Jim Fitzgerald

Townsville Hike and Explore, Thorseborne Trail, 2020 Oct 23-26. De-Brief.

7 TH&E hikers hiked this world-ranked trail. Campsites are booked (months ahead) through the cumbersome Qld National Parks Camping system. Travel to and from Hinchinbrook Island was with the passionate, knowledgeable and amazing Skipper John Schmidt. (AU$155 return). His service is out of Dungeness. Absolute North Charters.

Beginning with an awesome (true sense of the word) journey through the Hinchinbrook Chanel, to the pontoon, deep in the mangroves, at the back of Ramsay Bay.Days later the pick-up is at Georges Point for a 15minute cruise back to Dungeness.Absolute North also run a Thorseborne Trail app. Detailed track, water-source & location information. October can be a hot & humid hiking time in the tropics and this is an important consideration for Thorseborne.

We had very little breeze and very high humidity. Personally, I underestimated my drinking water needs on Day 1. Thankfully others in our party didn’t. It is a careful balance between pack weight and water capacity. Most of us consumed over 4 litres of water while hiking on most of the days.Most of us shed extras when planning, to hike with a hiking-pack of about 10-12kgs (excluding water).I would also recommend an additional 10 to 20kgs of Rid to combat sandflies, march-flies & mosquitoes.

The following photos are only a taster for the real experience of Thorsborne. Over the years I have listened to so many Thorseborne hikers, experienced and first-timers, who fall short of being able to adequately explain the experience of the landscapes, the visuals, the challenges, the accomplishments and the serenity.

I really want to thank the wonderful 6 hiking mates for sharing wisdom and thoughts. Such a complete privilege to be in the company of you all.

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