Elliot Springs Sunset Walk

Written by Sandra Lamari

I was really keen to go on this hike as I’d never done it before. It turn out that most of the Townsville Hike and Explore crew who came along to join me hadn’t either!

Twenty of us drove the short distance south of Townsville to meet at the start of the new Bindal Ridge trails at Elliot Springs. As we pulled up were greeted by wallabies feasting on the green grass after the rains.

It wasn’t long before everyone arrived, introduced themselves to new friends, caught up on upcoming hikes and gave our mascot dogs Terry and Billy some pats. We took a few snaps and started on our 4.2k round trip.

The dirt track was wide and undulating with steps installed at a few places along the way. We made it to the lookout and were able to see all the way back to Townsville and south towards the hills of Nome.

Close friendship bonds were created with those who carried cans of Aeroguard with them.🦟😁 We didn’t stay too long before returning back to the start.

I felt it was a perfect hike for beginners and those wanting to build their fitness. I am really glad 

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