castle hill trails

Castle Hill Trail Opening

Castle Hill is already the walking centrepiece of our city, but the options just got better with the council set to open a new stair and track option to be announced in the Townsville Bulletin tomorrow.

Townsville Hike and Explore were invited to join Mayor Jenny Hill in trialling the new stairs prior to opening to the public tomorrow. The new track starts at the small public carpark at the end of Walker Street (just off the Blackwood St junction), and is an easy stroll from the CBD so will be convenient for after-work walkers.

The track starts with a magnificent set of stairs cemented and bolted into the rockface. The stairs quickly gain elevation, providing magnificent views over the CBD, the new footy stadium, South Townsville and Cleveland Bay. At the top of the stairs, there are seats to take in the views and the track continues past the Jones St water tank on to the Goat Track or the Maiden Hair Track.

I reckon these stairs will be popular with exercise groups and for those wanting to do repeat staircases. Fortunately, the stairs are really wide. They look solidly engineered, like they will last decades.

Damien Burrows and Rhett Stubbs had a hoot repeatedly walking the same section of stairs with Major Jenny Hill for the photo shoot. Got to get the same shots from the front, back and side angles.

We certainly stand out in our new Townsville Hike and Explore shirts – others should get theirs too – show your support for our group and hiking in Townsville.

Fortunately the stairs are fully in the shade in the afternoon, a real bonus for late afternoon walkers.

Huge thanks to Townsville City Council for increasing walking options in our great city and for co-funding this with the federal government’s Building Better Regions Fund. Hopefully, there are many more new tracks to come. See you on the new track soon!

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