Written by Sandra Lamari
Welcome to the group shots from the previous 6 weeks. Enjoy the memories. 🙂
Wulguru Hills Beginners Hike – 2nd July
Perhaps I may have scared a lot of people away with my description that this was the most strenuous Thursday afternoon hike, BUT, we found that almost half of the track has been graded smooth leaving the track perfect for all levels to join in the hike!!
It was a smaller group this afternoon with 1 new person to TH&E and as well as a few who are new to the Wulguru Hills track. Some were young and some… not so young. Travis and Hayley from Townsville Rockwheelers also joined us to try out no wheels rather than 2 wheels.
We set off up to the first lookout at the water tanks and took a few quick pics there before heading off up the new track. We stopped at next view point where would could see over Wulguru to the south and simply turn around to see where the sun would set over Mount Stuart to the north side of town.
Venturing on the rest of the way up the scrambling trail until we came to the summit where we got to watch the stunning colours of the setting sun and look out over the lights to Townsville.
After a short break and a catch up chat we got our headlamps out and set off back down the way we came.
If you are interested in trying out mountain biking, Townsville Rockwheelers Beginner Rides has a social try out ride this Sunday at 8am at the Douglas Mountain bike reserve on Angus Smith Drive. All ages are welcome. See their event on Facebook for more details.

Elliot Springs – 9th July
Perhaps it was the rain that kept a few people away but we were happy to find that as soon as you hit the south side of town it was clear as a bell!
There was 1 newbie to TH&E but many who hadn’t walked the Elliot Springs Bindal Ridge track.
While we were glad we wore our jumpers waiting for the hike to start it wasn’t long after we started before we were taking off layers.
The track has recently been cleaned and cleared and the path was wide and level, which makes it such a great beginners hike for all ages.
As we walked and talked we were able to take in short glimpses of the view down the valley and over to the hills on the other side of the highway.
Once we were at end of the trail the view towards Townsville, and back south of town were spectacular.
After a short break we set off again, taking our time to make our way back to our cars.
Thanks to Elliot Springs for having us again�

JCU Steps to Summit Sunset – 16 July
FYI: no filters were used, I didn’t adjust these pics, yes the sunset was that stunning!�
Well it appears that everyone is keen to do steps!! There were lots of members new to JCU tracks, as well as lots of folks joining us today for the very first time, welcome to TH&E�
Everyone loved all of the 500+ steps section and wished there were more but alas we had to push on and leave the steps behind to hike the trail higher to our summit.
What a great day for a great view. Even though there were a few fires around earlier we could still see out to the islands, north to the ranges, south past Mount Stuart as well as over the city streets. The great thing about this trail is that you can capture these views pretty much the whole walk up.
Taking our time to reach the summit were were greeted by the post sunset changing dusk and what a cracker it was. We stopped briefly to catch our breath and take photos, and chat about recent hikes, recently purchased hiking equipment, up coming hikes, upcoming hiking purchases we want to make. New friends were being made and old friends were catching up.
While I was looking around I noticed everyone was chuffed with their efforts, as well as the views… there were smiles all round.
But it was time once more to return back down. It was starting to get chilly and we were all so keen to get back to the stairs.
Still, the now set sun was dazzling our sights with glorious deep reds and pinks for the way down before finally turning dark enough to put our headlamps on.
I really enjoyed todays hike, Townsville really turned it on for us lucky folks tonight. I hope to see you all again next Thursday.

Chunda Rock – 23rd July
After carpooling from the service station to the start of the track we lept out of cars, noticing that the adults were almost outnumbered by kids, liberally applied mozzie repellant before heading off at a quick pace so we could catch the setting sun.
It was cool amongst the trees and it had some of us wishing we’d worn long sleeves. The group were dodging puddles from the recent rain and it wasn’t long before we were at our destination.
Then the fun started!
Looking quite tame from afar, when it came to the crunch Chunda Rock certainly had some thinking twice. Good shoe grip was a bonus here. Some made the scramble up, some stopped half way and some a quarter of the way, but we all had a go!
We stayed to watch the last of the suns light fade over the range before taking our time getting back down the Rock.
Surprisingly even though I used many litres of Bushmans not one mozzie or sandfly were felt or even seen… by anyone!
After a false start we were back on track to the cars, the kids’ laughter and chatter easily drowning out the adults😀

Mount Louisa Sunset – 30 July
This is my absolute favourite hike for when I want a quick uphill trip with a view. I am so glad I could share it with you all.
It was a later start than our normal winter kick off time and so many were able to join us. We were joined by lots of fresh faces to the group as well as many regulars who haven’t tried this track before. After taking our usual group pics we headed off from the cars to the start of the track. It was a nice flat warm up as we carefully, or maybe not so carefully, avoided the chinee apple thorns, before the trail turned a little steeper.
We followed the trail up the side of the hill noticing that some keen folks have worked hard to upgrade the old mountain bike trails.
We weren’t even half way up and the views over Kirwan to Fredericks Peak were already spectacular.
Pushing on, we kept the uphill ascent until we made it to the crest and got our first peek at the Bohle side of Mount Louisa. Taking a right turn here we went the last 50 metres to the top of the rocky outcrop when we could take in the spectacular almost 360 degree views of town as well as the final rays of the sunset.
It was finally time to leave the views so we could make it to dinner, so we turned on our headlamps and started our trek down. The final red hue of the sunset stuck with us for most of the way down before fading away to darkness.
We made it back to the cars and some of us were able to catch up for a parmie dinner at the Av Tav. If you didn’t know, Michael turns 40 on the 2nd so Anna snuck in a BIRTHDAY cake and we sung a sweet birthday lullaby 😁 to Michael and the rest of the restaurant.
It was a busy little hike and I am sorry I didn’t get to have a good catch up with you all on my favourite walk, but I am sure I will see you next Thursday.
Happy birthday Michael for Sunday!!!🎂

Shelly Beach – 6 August
While Michael was away the mice could play! There were cartwheels and singing, drinking and swearing… just kidding😊 we were so well behaved.
There was a mix of people who had never done this trail before, those who had done it recently, those who hadn’t been out this way for 20 years and those who only ride their bikes on the trails nearby!
The clouds were looming and we were resigned to the idea we were not going to see a beautiful sun set.
The group set off at a pace down the trail and onto the beach and we made it to the turn around point from out last efforts here. This time, making sure the tides were right, we were able to walk past the rocky outcrop and were greeted by the glorious setting sun!
As we walked further down Shelly Beach were were able to watch the sun slowly fade over the horizon. How fabulous to share the view with everyone!
Many photos were taken and a few people explored close by, before it was time to head home again. We trudged back over the soft sand of the beach, up the dirt trail taking in the night ligts of Townsville before being back on the road to the cars.
It was so good to see everyone again… and make it past the headland to Shelly Beach🤣