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Jourama Falls/Waterview Creek Walk & Explore

Written by Rhett Stubbs

About 16 members, including some good spirited new members, set off for the top of Jourama Falls at 6.40am today. Reaching the lookout at 7.10am we spent about 20 minutes for photos before taking on the walk up to the top of the falls.

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It is a steep walk and even though it was before 8am the humidity still set in, ensuring many were keen for their first swim of the day. After some awesome moneyshots and a briefing on the skill on rock hopping it wasnt long before we were walking into Waterview Creek towards the deep waterhole that sits atop of the falls. Yours truly cloudnt wait to bomb in and did so as soon as my pack was off my back. 😁💦

In total we spent about 40minutes in water for this first swim, with bombs, rock slides and relaxing swims giving us so much refreshment. It wasnt long before we started to explore up creek, and after about 1km we came to our next deep waterhole, being fed by 2 magnificent single drop falls. This was an awesome hole with the group spoending about an hour and a half here soaking up the moment, with bonb dives, waterfall experiences and lots of lazy relaxing paddling followed by lunch and for some a quiet sleep by the creek under a forest canopy with the ambience of waterfalls in.the background.

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Did someone say we better go home…NOOOOO!!!! Yes thats right all good things must come to an end and after a quick rockhop back down creek and a short downhill hike, it wasn’t long before we were back in the land of civilisation.

However following the feedback recieved about today, it will not be long before you see another Jourama Falls and Waterview Creek explore event appearing on the Townsville Hike and Explore page. Keep an eye out for that and thanks to everyone who came along.

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