Written by: Chrystie Watson
Now this is what I call a learning environment 😍 What an amazing group of adventurers who took on the Learn Leadership Active Learning Session up to the summit of Mt Halifax on Sunday.
As Lin said, “there are many oxygens out here” 😂👍
Very special thank you to Michael Pugh from Townsville Hike and Explore for giving his time and support for this and future sessions. #tsvhikeandexplore
📷 @michaelprpugh & @johurford 📷 Amazing!
More photos and a video at www.learnleadership.com.au/activelearningsessions
Also a massive thank you for the generous support and donation of gift vouchers for participants from Cindy Walker at Moksha Room #supportlocaltownsville
For those who missed out or were a bit daunted by the Mt Halifax challenge, I’ll be repeating the learning session on ‘Setting and Achieving Goals’ through some less strenuous activities, check out the Learn Leadership FB events page for details.
Written by: Jo Hurford
On Sunday I tagged along on an active Learn Leadership session.
Setting off before sunrise we couldn’t spot our goal for the day.
Early in and just after switching off the head lamps, we relaxed beside Rope Falls for the first session; goal setting. I realised all my current goals are linked to work, which is highly unusual for me as I normally have a number of side projects keeping me busy. Today’s goal was to reach Mt Halifax (and return) safely, hopefully having fun along the way.
While steep, this hike is fun and varied with waterfall features, rock hopping sections and ropes (if needed) to pull yourself to the top. Despite haze due to back burning lower down the range, the views were spectacular and we had them all to ourselves. 🤩
When not concentrating on where I was putting my feet or enjoying conversation with fellow hikers / explorers, I mulled over my lack of a personal goal. Similar to the smoke dissipating on the return journey, my mind cleared as it usually does when immersed in nature. I realised my personal goals for the year were put on hold when they became unattainable due to covid. I am not overly concerned as I know that when feasible, I will refocus on those goals. For the moment I am quite content hiking and exploring in my own backyard of North Queensland.
Thanks to Chrystie for organising and running the event, and to Michael for leading the hike and ensuring we all achieved our goal for the day.