Gorge, Rope, Loop Falls Fun

Recent heavy rains in the upper sections and catchments of the Paluma Range National Park have resulted in higher than usual water levels in the associated watercourses, including Crystal Creek.

The group erred on the side of safety and decided to visit Gorge, Rope and Loop Falls at the base of Mount Halifax, rather then rock hop our way down the swollen Crystal Creek line.

We visited all 3 falls, with the group enjoying a swim at each of these magnificent points of interest that have been flushed and cleaned out after the recent rains.

We had an assistance dog named “Axle” on this adventure, who was perhaps the best rock hopper I’ve seen, and his agility and skill left us all for dead on numerous occasions during the morning!

Some of our more adventurous members managed a cliff jump at Rope Falls which was a sight to see!

Our next visit to this trail will see us visit Mount Halifax for the first time in 2020 over the next couple of months – and what a great time to do so after the recent rains!

How to get there

Drive 50 km north along the Bruce Highway to the Balgal Beach turnoff. Before the Rollingstone Bridge, turn left onto Pace Road.

Drive until you reach a gate where you will find the logbook on a pole that is the sign-in point for the start of the hike and contains maps you may take with you showing the location of all 3 falls.

Please follow all instructions in relation to parking requirements at the trail head and obey all signage.

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