What’s the perfect end to the working week for the hiker and explorer? An evening hike up Round Mountain of course! (Round Mountain is on private property and access is strictly with permission of the landowner only).
34 Townsville Hike and Explore adventurers gathered at the dam to hike and witness the spectacle that is Round Mountain! It was an introductory night hiking adventure and the first trip to Round Mountain for many of our group members!

The weather was overcast, but we remained dry and visited a handful of our usual lookouts to take in some beautiful views of the Ross Dam, Mount Stuart Range, Bowling Green National Park and Mingela State Forest, just to name a few!
After dusk, we hiked down under headlamp, lighting up the mountain like a Christmas tree! Evening and sunset hikes are becoming popular within the group so keep an eye out for more of this type of adventure in the future.