Castle Hill Strolls

Castle Hill Strolls with Alana Edwards this arvo and what a beautiful afternoon for it! We even ran into a local hiking and exploring legend Stephen Donaldson. In fact we used an old trail of Stephen’s on our successful same day return Mount Elliot summit hike on Saturday just gone!

In these uncertain times, it’s important we listen to and follow the relevant advice, but also still take the time where possible to get outdoors when we safely can do so and enjoy all the wonderful things the world has to offer!

Please feel free to post what you’ve all been up to on our Townsville Hike and Explore Community Page!

The Townsville Hike and Explore community is here to assist and lend a helping hand in any way possible to those that may need it, even if it’s just a phone call to check in or some support and encouragement – don’t be concerned about asking! We’re all in this together.

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